1st Floor, #40 Primrose Road Bangalore - 560025


Taking care of all your crucial needs, confidentially.

Achieve your financial and lifestyle goals across generations by leveraging best-in-class tools.

What we Think

Dad and daughter learning together on a computer.

Every family is unique, and so is our approach to addressing the needs of every family we work with. Our objective is to achieve your financial and lifestyle goals across generations by leveraging best-in-class tools and drawing on years of professional experience.

Wealth Advisory

Portfolio Construction

Assess the most appropriate Risk Management, Product Selection, Manager Selection and Asset Allocation strategies that best suit you.

Tax Efficiency

Analysing the financial plan chosen and purview of assets we minimise tax expenses and capitalize on benefits with partnered industry experts.


Assets Structuring

Dealing with questions of taxation, legal ownership, domicile and nationality we offer advise on the most efficient structures for the entirety of your holdings.

Estate Planning

We ensure that wealth is preserved and transferred easily with professional guidance and informed legal opinions.

Lifestyle Services


A polished, faceted service that we undertake to help better decisions made by our clients in all walks of life adding overall value.


We at Ankhonia look at the bigger picture, as do our clients that look to promote social welfare in an allocatively efficient manner.

Admin Helpdesk

Reporting & Record Management

Information is stored carefully in a secure, easily retrievable manner and accessible in multiple formats.

Data Privacy

Employing a strict framework to secure your data from any unwarranted third party or external breach.

Document Storage

Information is stored carefully in a secure.

Document vetting and process facilitation

Asset Management

Asset Maintenance

We undertake management of real assets such as property in a smooth and systematic manner.

Project Management

With the use of all round knowledge, resources, networks and tools at our disposal, Ankhonia assists clients in managing various project ventures.

Statutory Requirements

We provide assistance with regards to compliance requirements on a regular and timely basis.

Alternative Investments

We provide opportunities to invest in Non -Traditional investments and viable early-stage ideas. This is aided by in depth research both during company evaluation as well performance tracking. The corner-stone of our services, we employ the best minds in the firm to personally assist our clients.